Country Weekly is out!!! Yeah!! What a nice surprise after so many years of being out of the business!!! THANK YOU COUNTRY WEEKLY!!!! Make sure you pick up your copy!!! It's the issue with George Strait on the cover.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Mine is going great! Just took down the Christmas decorations. I think I am going to be finding little pine needles all over for many months to come. I hate those little suckers!!! Just when I put the vacuum up I find a little pile somewhere else.

I also broke some ornaments, found things left in stockings, which I am thankful I found before next year! HEE HEE!!! Food is not something you need to find a year later in your stocking.
Our deer that lights up out in the yard is laying down on his side. I think he is over the whole thing. SO sad!!!

Happy New Year and I hope my blog grows and grows this year!! Please spread the word!!! I hope it is worth reading.


  1. I will look for the Country Weekly... I haven't bought one of those in forever!!

    We are doing the same thing... getting ready to pack up all the Christmas stuff. I'm not looking forward to vacuuming up all the pine needles tomorrow. Bah!!

    Happy New Year Cyndi!

  2. Good Luck with the vacuuming!!! Happy New Year!!!

  3. I can't believe it, you have new music out! I have to say that I absolutely love your voice and music. I can't tell you how many times I used to play "My World". And then I actually cried when you wrote a letter to all of your fans years ago saying that you would not be recording any new music. But you have, and you have a blog! That's totally cool.
    I found you on here last night after creating a playlist on There were only 2 songs of yours on the site but excellent for the country playlist I was creating. Then I found you on Myspace and of course here. I heard your new songs on Myspace and I love them. Is your new album available in stores or just for MP3 download? I guess I missed the Country Weekly (haven't bought one in a while) but maybe soon you will grace the cover.


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