New Way of Doing Things

Where do I begin?????? Girls Scout camp for Bella, Hayden with his mohawk and popsicles! Crazy summer has begun. Running back and forth to meetings, trying to get all my music together and get this show on the road. New way of doing things is what I call it. Trying to juggle all my creative energy with cleaning toilets and helping brush little teeth. So funny to me. Never pictured this but I love it.

My sweet hubby has been working his butt off with the CMT Awards and we have not seen him in days. Kills me that we are not there walking down the red carpet. My goal is to be there next year -  walking hand in hand with him. I wanna be that parent that tells the kids to "go to bed" on camera, except I want to tell the kids to "jump on the bed". Just change it up a bit!!!!!!

I look forward to what's up ahead and hope to see what I have dreamed very soon!!!!


  1. You can always buy a red carpet and walk it with your hubby when he gets home, even dress up and film it and everything. Might be kinda cheesy but could be a lot of fun for you and the kids, and it would be an awesome memory to look back on.

  2. Such a great idea!!!! Kinda cute!!!!!

  3. Really enjoyed this honest and cute blog post. I've always loved your music and had a lot of respect for your decision...we still stray from our originals now and then and throw in "I Always Liked That Best". You seem well-grounded, clear on what's important in life, and you will have all God wants you to have. He gives us beautiful dreams and then fulfills them, I believe:) Best to you and you always have a spot on our show in Nashville, just say when:) Blessings, Jack & Diane

  4. Wow!!! Thank you so much for those words! I always love encouragement! Thanks for playing hte music!


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