Lasagna & Tall Green Grass

Yes, you read the title of the blog right. Not sure that combo has ever joined forces. Just for the record, I love to mow the lawn and really love to weed eat. I also like to cook, but today I had a plan. Lasagna and grass!!!

I have a wonderful husband who takes care of the lawn but lately I have been beating him to the punch. It is my way to escape the madness in my house. School is over and summer has begun. The endless fighting between my two little children has caused me to find a bit of solace in the loud noise of the mower.

I step outside, put my boots on and crank that mower into full force. LOVE IT!!!!!!  They stare at me out the windows. Sometimes I see them trade a few hits. I pretend that grass flew in my eye and ignore the mindless pantomimed movements of each one telling on the other.

I was also in the mood for yummy, cheesy lasagna. I found a great recipe and went to work. I will share the results in a few days. Tomorrow I will run and do squats to work off all the cheese I used tonight.
Why is cheese so yummy???


  1. Cheese is the best..but I hear ya bout having to go for a run after! Can't wait to see your lasagna results. Love your blog!

  2. Cheese is yummy because it's fattening!! I love queso dip, being from Texas, that and sweet iced tea were pretty much my ultimate vices, and still are:)


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